About us

Logo Euroface Euroface Consulting s.r.o. (Czech Republic) Czechia

is training and consulting organization fostering links and transferring innovation into education and business sector, with regional, national and international outreach. Development and implementation of the ICT is the core of Euroface´ focus. Euroface has long-term experience in the creation of e-learning modules, applications, websites development, providing ICT courses for adults etc.

Logo Innovation Frontiers Innovation Frontiers IKE (Greece) Greece

is an innovative educational technology & research company that specializes in creating educational, engaging, and entertaining learning experiences that incorporate innovation, creativity, and gamification to enhance flow for learners. IKE offers a wide spectrum of solutions, including interactive custom eLearning, Serious Games, Open Educational Resources, Training Simulations, Educational Animations and Mobile Learning.

Logo NTCenter NTC - National Training Center (Bulgaria) Bulgaria

is a private education research and innovation company focused on applied research, science-based and evidence-based approach to emerging educational issues. NTC works on: cognitive aspects of disinformation, cognitive biases and conspiracy theories, competence profiles and support networks for STEM teachers and for Citizenship Education teachers, financial independence support for people with disabilities through support of craft-related talents.

Logo SOLSKI CENTER VELENJE School Centre Velenje (Slovenia) Slovenia

is one of the largest Vocational Education and Training (VET) centres in Slovenia with long tradition and with 2395 students on initial and continuous secondary as well as on higher level of education, serving by 203 teachers, trainers and other staff. It consists of School of Machinery, Geotechnics and Environment, School of Electrical Engineering and Computing, School for Service Activities, Gymnasium, Higher Professional School and Inter-company Training Centre.
Modern role of staff and teachers as professionals, innovators, project managers, mentors, colleagues with experience in usage of ICT, lifelong learning concept, and adult education reflects the integration of the School Centre Velenje in the priorities of the regional and local development.